Thursday, August 16, 2012

Holding Feelings in: A Mixture for Disaster

Hiding what we are feeling is something that alot of us as humans do. Holding in an audible "Ouch!" when someone stubs their toe. Swallowing a huge giggle in the middle of class when two friends are giving each other "that look" after the teacher had told them 3 times already to quiet down. Many times, people even hold back tears. Tears of sadness or out of anger. It's the happy tears that people aren't afraid to let out.

"Emotions that are repressed or expressed in unhealthy ways tend to create obstructions in the body, sapping energy and hope."

I know there are always going to be days where everything seems hopeless. Everything has gone wrong. Your toaster broke, then your car wouldn't start, and before you knew it, you forgot to brush your teeth, and then everything throughout the day had gone in the complete opposite direction of how you wanted it to go. I know when things are like that for me that I have NO energy, patience, or hope that the grass will become greener. My stress level also increases making it that much worse. Stress upsets the body's hormone balance and drains the brain chemicals required to feel happy. When you start to feel like everything is hopeless for an extended amount of time your mortality rate may also decrease! I don't want to die young, I have too much ahead of me!

Taking out pent up anger, sadness, or depression on the people we love are the ingredients that make the worst tasting substance ever. Regret. Once something is said or done it's out there for the world to hear; you can't take it back. The sting of words doesn't always become relevant to us until we experience it. This is something I have experienced and am trying to learn and grow from. Decreasing anger by doing things that are more constructive is a MUCH better option. Thus why this blog exists; and why I am trying different things to see what aleviates some of the emotions I feel. No one should be in fear about expressing to people how we are feeling. Chances are, they know how you feel and can relate!

Get out there and express yourself! :)

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