Who knew that Panda Express fortune cookies could mean so much?
Lately, there have been a series of unexpected situations thrown my way. So, once I opened this fortune cookie and found this message, I was almost in disbelief. I know fortune cookies are supposed to have encouraging messages and insightful sayings that are supposed to sound wise. Most of them typically sound like this: "Fortune Shall Come Your Way" or "You Will Find Lost Treasure". Well, I sure haven't found any treasure. But maybe, silly as it sounds, the fortunes that we get aren't to be taken as literally as some people take them. Maybe I really did find lost treasure somewhere. Treasure that someone else valued at one point, but now it is my turn to value IT. I am sure somewhere down the line that fortune did come my way, but not in the form of money or material things. Truth is, unexpected situations happen to everyone. But lately, I have been feeling like so many unexpected random things have happened to me.
· Falling down the stairs and ripping a brand new pair of pants and skinning off the whole top layer of my knee.
· Not having any band aids after the fall, and having to walk around Kmart with a bloody knee looking for any ol' box of band aids. (probably looking pretty ridiculous to the cashier who helped me)
· Not being able to start my car because of a corroded battery cable.
· Friendships that I was always so sure of that recently no longer exist.
· Certain people that I 'thought' I knew that turned into something completely different.
· Dropping my phone in water.
It can't be possible that all these things are completely random. Me falling down the stairs, although I would LOVE to claim that as random, really isn't because I am secretly a huge klutz. Not having any band aids, not random, they just hadn't been purchased on the last grocery list. My car not starting because of the battery cable, completely my fault because I have lacked the motivation to go and buy a new one after it happening several times before that. Dropping my phone in water, well, that was my fault too. I shouldn't have had it close enough for that to happen in the first place.
We would all love to claim some of our ignorance’s or laziness as random, but the truth is; all of them can't be. As for failing friendships and changes of that nature, those aren't random either. Those happen when life stages change in different directions by the choices that we have made.
So, when I found this fortune, I felt reassured in a way. Like maybe things may start to look up. But the thing is, I can't let the unexpected things affect me so much because those are things that I can't control. The things I can control is how I react to them and how I let them affect me and my surroundings.
I can also control my health and well-being. I have decided since these unexpected things keep happening, maybe if I change some things in my life, the unexpected bad things will stop happening and the unexpected good things will come.
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