Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DIY Sugar Scrub

Although April's DIY is a little late in posting, I didn't forget to do one!

The past two months have been pretty crazy with finals, school ending, and getting things done to be admitted to my next step; NAU. Words cannot describe how great it feels to no longer have to worry about this stuff anymore, it's done! 

Aside from doing those things, I have been spending a lot of time considering what I wanted to do this month for my DIY. With summer fast approaching, pedicures and manicures are becoming bright, bold colors. As the darker tones disappear until fall comes to us again, I started to notice that my hands and feet were becoming pretty dry. 

Now when I say dry, I mean DRY. My hands are prone to being dry anyways, but with this Arizona heat, it's hard for skin to stay moisturized all day. One of the reasons for this is because the top layer of our skin dries out and although the layers underneath may be healthy, it's hard for moisture and lotion to bring those dry layers back to life. This is why it's important to exfoliate! 

I could have easily went to the store and grabbed the first bottle of hand or foot scrub I saw, but those products are so expensive and they have harsh chemicals that aren't always so great for us and end up drying out skin even worse than before. For this DIY I decided to make my own. 

There are plenty of different ways to make various scrubs, but I tailored this one to my hands and feet. 
My hands tend to get really shiny and oily when I use certain lotions or body products. After looking at different ways to make scrubs on the internet, I decided on one that avoided oils for my first go around. It's also ridiculously easy AND cheap.

To make this scrub, you only really need two ingredients; sugar and Dawn brand dish soap with Olay hand renewal. The reason for this soap and not others is that this soap is specifically formulated to add moisture back into your hands while doing dishes. It's creamier than other typical dish soaps that tend to dry hands out. 

You can definitely make this scrub when you need it without pre making it, but I decided to pre make mine and put it into a container. It just makes it easier to have a container of it next to my sink for me to use whenever I want to. 

In order to measure out the correct amount of sugar, and since this is the volume of the product, I poured the sugar into the container I was going to keep it in.

I filled it to the bottom of the lip of the jar. Since the sugar tends to condense when any type of liquid comes into contact with it, I knew this was a safe place to start.

I added the sugar from my container to a larger bowl so that it was a little bit easier to mix the ingredients together. 

There really is no specific amount of soap to add. I started with a little amount and worked my way up to the consistency that I preferred.

When adding the soap to the sugar, it really sticks to the sugar that it first comes into contact with resulting in chunks. If you keep kneading the mixture together, the rest of the sugar will stick to the soap. You can tell by looking at it if you need to add more soap or sugar, but try to make it look like the consistency of frosting (although, I don't think it would taste as good haha!). Also during this step I added more sugar and more soap because I knew that the sugar that I had originally had would condense once the soap was added, making less scrub.

This is the consistency it should have. I didn't want mine to be too liquid-y just because I wanted a thick scrub. If your skin needs just a little buffing, you could add more soap so that it's not super thick and abrasive. This is also the step where you could add some essential oils if you wanted them. I opted out for my first go around. 

When I was finished mixing it together, I added it into this cute little container and added a twine bow!

 I pair this scrub with Goldbond hand lotion and it is the best combo! Using a lotion with any exfoliating scrub is a great idea.

After using this scrub before bed consistently for about a week, I noticed that my hands were much healthier in their look and feel. This also makes a nice scrub for those rough cuticles or callouses that you may obtain after a long day at work. If you love manicures and pedicures like I do, this makes an awesome first step. It gets your nails and hands clean and exfoliated, which is a great foundation for nail polish!

Do you have someone that you need a gift for but don't have a ton to spend? This makes a wonderful gift AND it's thoughtful for someone like a mother or a sister. 


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Own Kind of Perfect

Who would have guessed that two years ago, I would have found the man of my dreams? For some people it's really hard to find that special person that makes your heart sing. For me, my man makes my life a symphony.

Sure, things aren't always easy, but that's the point. Love in itself isn't easy. The falling in love part is always the easiest; when your heart flutters every time your with that special person or when you smile for the simple fact that your are irrevocably infatuated with someone. Those are the feelings that people come to know and love. The newness and wonder of what will be and if this is the person you are supposed to be with. However, the staying in love part is the component that needs continuous nurturing. Without the will of both people and the ambition to keep it going, love can eventually fade.

I'm so thankful to have such a lovely man who is always willing and completely ambitious to keep our love growing.

With Austin and I, I knew from day one. I know how completely cliche that sounds, but when you know, you just know. I felt it. Our time spent together, even after two years, still gives me those addicting feelings you experience in a brand new relationship.

I won't lie and say that our relationship is perfect, we definitely have had our tough times. It's those tough times that have tested us and made us love each other more.

I have never loved anyone more than I love this wonderful man. He puts up with me when I am completely crazy and brings me back to earth when life seems hopeless. We can laugh and cry together and be completely ourselves. He completely supports anything I choose to do and encourages me to be a better person and to better myself. We are each others cheer leaders and push each other to do things we have never thought to do before. We take the flaws that we think we have and make them out to be the best qualities in each other. We are our own kind of perfect.

My life would not be the same without this wonderful man. I am so thankful that he chooses me everyday despite all the craziness that happens. Do we drive each other crazy? Sure we do, and we are the best at pushing each other buttons. The greatest part? One second we can be arguing about something totally ridiculous and heated, the next second we are laughing and realize just how ridiculous we were being in the first place.

We have done and have been through so many wonderful-crazy-ridiculous things these past two years. I have learned and experienced things that I would never change in a million years. I want to spend the rest of the time that I have with this wonderful man because I know I wouldn't be the same without my other half.

I love you Austin and I can't wait to see what forever holds for us!

Want to see how we celebrated our anniversary? Pictures below! You all know how much I love to take pictures!

This man always spoils me with the most wonderful flower arrangements. I can't help but love how thoughtful he is!

One thing that we love is the spontaneity of being together. A wonderful surprise visit from THE MOST handsome man I've ever seen after work on our actual anniversary date. We love lunch dates during the week when we can snag them!


We spent a wonderful night in Scottsdale at the most beautiful resort! It was the most relaxing and wonderful night we have spent away in forever!

Did I mention this resort was beautiful?? Temperpedic beds and the most beautiful hotel room I've ever been in. We had a hard time leaving!

What kind of resort would it be without bathrobes that make you look like a karate student??

After regretfully checking out of our hotel, we stopped at the Breakfast Club for breakfast. If you like the hipster, healthy, modern type of breakfast, this is the place for you. This juice was literally the best orange juice I have ever tasted! 

Need I say more? This breakfast was DEE-LISH.

As a gift to ourselves, we decided to buy our first set of patio furniture! This awesome set was at an amazing price that we couldn't pass up! Hooray for sunset/sunrise meals on the patio. Ahhh.. the little things! Teehee!

I love taking pictures with my handsome love! I can't help but gawk at how ridiculously handsome he is!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2015, Officially Official

It's officially, official.

I will be an NAU graduate in 2015.

That's a year and half to go people!

Classes set up, financial aid in process, and target date made official. If you know anything about me, you know I stress. A LOT. Sometimes it's about things I can't even control. Ridiculous right?

I've spent so much time worrying what if it doesn't work out, what if I can't do it, I can't be in debt, but worst of all... what if I fail? All these questions without any action taken before now. As I walked out of my academic advisors office after my appointment to set all this up, I felt as though the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders. Aside from the fact that I am totally terrified, it's finally here.

I have a plan and I'm starting to change my view on what I'm gonna do.

It will work out as long as I keep trying.

Strive everyday to finish the goal I set out for.

Who cares about the money? (cringing as I type) This debt is positive because it's to better myself and my future family.

And most importantly, I can't fail unless I stop working.

I know this next year and a half will be a ton of work but I know I can accomplish my goal. I WILL have this degree before I am 23!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Slight Glimmer

As you can see, my blog has undergone some design changes. I decided to become more blog savvy and learn how make it a little bit more customizable. I think it turned out pretty good!

Things have been great lately. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone, it seems like just yesterday I started my second fall semester and its already almost summer. Where did the time go?

*Cue the hallelujah chorus*

My newest update is this:

Last week I filled this bad boy out and this week I am turning it in!

I will officially be an NAU student despite all the work I've already put in towards my Bachelors degree.

I am so thankful that up until now, I haven't had to pay a cent towards my tuition (besides books and other school related expenses). However, when I get to NAU, that will all change. I am not one bit excited about the fact that I will be in debt a few thousand dollars..... I've done everything I can thus far to avoid it. Regretfully, debt seems to wrap its little finger around all of us.

Aside from the debt, I have a plan. I have a direction I will be pointed towards for the next year and some odd months. There seems to be a slight glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

I know this sounds funny, but I am excited to be done with school and just work a job. I know that I will be working the rest of my life and that I should enjoy the time that I am at right now, I just can't wait to be done with studying and homework.

Here's to the future!